Thursday, 5 November 2009

Roxy Music 'If there's something'

I haven't really got a reason for posting this song other than just to share the magic. Wait until about 2 minutes into it and then the tempo completely changes and it suddenly takes off. I found it through that film 'Flashbacks of a fool'. Not a bad movie. When you listen to this you can sort of see why the girl who was dating Bryan Ferry's son switched over to dating Bryan Ferry himself. A bit of old age is nothing in comparison to being with a musical genius.


  1. Hi Tamryn. Love the above, love Brain Ferry. Years ago I was invited with my sister to a party in London. It was rumoured that Brian was going to be there. My sister and I almost came to blows over who was going to 'get' him! Grin. Neither of us stood a chance in reality.

    I was pointed your way by Traci (Authonomy). I do hope you can take a quick peek at my book NUNS & PREGNANT GIRLS. It's short. I'm on the Harper True top 10 list and hope to get a review soon, if I can keep my place for a while yet.

    Warmest regards, Nicky. (Nicky Jones.)

  2. How do you find these obscure gens, New World Monkey? I see what you mean about waiting for a change of tempo but it was worth it. The words are fabulously passionate! Ah, to have someone so utterly enthralled by you! I do think it is not very nice to whisk one's son's lover away - not sporting or right - but maybe the son heaved a sigh of relief!
